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The boundaries table

The exercise below will help you understand the boundaries you need to set and maintain with different people.

Make a table of 8 lines and 5 columns. In the first line write the name of the person with whom you want to set heathy boundaries. In the following lines write the categories of boundaries you wish to establish, as well as the form they currently have.

See example below

- Natural boundaries refer to personal space and physical intimacy.

- Emotional boundaries refer to your feelings.

- Spiritual boundaries refer to respecting the ideas and the way of thinking of others.

- Sexual boundaries refer to all aspects of sexuality (emotional, verbal, physical, etc.).

- Material boundaries refer to financial assets.

- Time boundaries refer to time management.

Try to evaluate your boundaries and take action wherever you feel you haven’t set healthy boundaries.

Repeat the exercise every 2 weeks until you’ve set healthy boundaries in all sections.