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What are healthy boundaries?

Η έλλειψη ορίων προκαλεί έλλειψη σεβασμού.

Lack of boundaries causes lack of respect.

It is important to recognize the categories of boundaries as well as what healthy boundaries mean in order to establish them.

- Physical boundaries refer to respect for our personal space and physical contact. Healthy physical boundaries require the decision of what is acceptable and what is not in different kinds of relationships (hugs, kisses, hand / shoulder touch, etc.). These boundaries are violated when someone touches or invades your personal space without your approval.

- The intellectual boundaries refer to our thinking and ideology. Healthy intellectual boundaries require respect for one's views and awareness of what is appropriate for him to discuss at the time (for example: it is not always the right time for someone to discuss politics). They are violated when one ignores or underestimates the views and ideas of another.

- The emotional boundaries refer to our feelings. Healthy emotional boundaries include limitations as to where, when and with whom we will share personal information as well as whom we will allow to influence us emotionally. They are violated when one ignores, underestimates, criticizes or mocks the feelings of another.

- The sexual boundaries refer to all areas of sexuality (emotional, verbal, physical approach). Healthy sexual boundaries include bidirectional understanding and respecting the desires and constraints between partners. They are violated when someone receives unwanted touching, sexual comments, prompting to engage in sexual acts that they do not want and sexual innuendos.

- The material boundaries relate to our money and property. Healthy material boundaries include limitations on the materials that can be shared, but also the people with whom they will be shared with (for example, it is okay to lend your car to your brother, but not to a neighbor you have only seen twice). They are violated when someone steals or destroys someone else's property or puts pressure on them.

- The time boundaries refer to the way we share our time. Healthy time boundaries require spending equal time (as long as it is feasible to do so) to all of the main areas of our lives (personal life, professional life, activities, sports, etc.). They are violated when someone demands too much time from someone else.