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19 signs that you lack healthy boundaries!

Τα προσωπικά όρια προστατεύουν τον βαθύτερο εαυτό μας και υπερασπίζονται το δικαίωμα της επιλογής μας.

Personal boundaries protect our deeper self and defend our right of choice.

The following actions, habits and behaviors may be indications that you do not have healthy boundaries.

1. You tell everything to everyone.

2. You talk very comfortably from the first meet.

3. You fall in love with every new acquaintance.

4. You fall in love with anyone that approaches you.

5. You fall in love with people that are not available.

6. You give in sexually with the very first chance.

7. You go against your personal values or your rights, to please others.

8. You do not speak up when someone else shows inadequate boundaries.

9. You do not speak up when someone violates your boundaries.

10. You accept food, gifts, contact, etc. that you do not want.

11. You touch someone without asking.

12. You allow someone to get what they can from you.

13. You let others direct your life.

14. You let others define you.

15. You expect others to meet your needs.

16. «You collapse» so that someone can take care of you.

17. «You abuse» yourself.

18. «You abuse» others.

19. You abuse substances (illegal substances, nicotine, food etc).