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The walk of joy

Devote 20 minutes a day to taking a stroll by yourself, every day for a week.

Trying to stick to your schedule - except if the weather conditions prohibit you from doing so.

While walking, focus on the landscape's beauty; the sights, the sounds, etc. For example, you could pay attention to that tall tree you've never noticed before, to the complex architectural design of a building in your neighborhood, to the sun's reflection on a paddle of water, to the smell of the flowers or two fellow pedestrians glancing at each other as they cross a busy street.

Keep the picture in your mind for a little while - don't just walk through. Pause and focus on what you see and hear and take it all in. Try to recognize what makes you happy.

Try taking a different route everyday so that you don't get accustomed to the scenery and take it for granted.