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The  4  Types  of  Enjoyment

Η μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση στη ζωή, είναι να κάνεις όσα οι άλλοι σου έλεγαν ότι δεν μπορείς.

The greatest enjoyment in life is to do what others have told you cannot.


 The enjoyment of luxury / relaxation: the little luxuries in life; drinking a fine wine, taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, etc.


The enjoyment of awe: admiring something bigger and more important than yourself; a work of art, a beautiful natural phenomenon, the birth of a child.


The enjoyment of pride: feeling proud of yourself on some achievement that is recognized by others. Pride can also be related to another person associated with you (child, companion, friend).


The enjoyment of gratitude: feeling grateful for something you received and needed a lot (either a material or an emotional good) or appreciating the beautiful things you have in your life.