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The strategies of enjoyment

Δεν είναι το πόσα έχουμε, άλλα το πόσα απολαμβάνουμε που ορίζουν την ευτυχία.

It's not how much we have, but how much we enjoy what defines happiness.

The following strategies will help you focus on a positive experience, intensifying or prolonging its influence on you: 


Live in the present

Let yourself experience the here and now, be mindful. Feel the overall sensation of the positive experience. Connect to what happens, just as it happens; without judging or analyzing it. Just experience it, giving the necessary time to feel what is happening at this precise moment.


Implementation of positive emotions

This strategy refers to using your body to express positive emotions. In this way, the experience will become more intense. For example, laugh / smile when you are happy, hug when you want to show your love, affection and compassion, caress when you feel intimacy, extend your arms and torso when you are excited.



Seek to share positive experiences with others: Celebrate birthdays, joyful events, achievements. Discuss positive feelings and convey them: Say how happy you are, how optimistic you are, how much love and tenderness you feel about someone and spread this feeling to your surroundings. For example, go to the office, praise your colleagues, open the window and tell them what a nice day it is outside.


Positivity in your life journey (past & future)

The mental image of a positive event of the past makes us re-experience the positive feelings that it had caused. Also, the expectation of positive events in the future and the planning of the positive outcome of an imminent situation has been proven to motivate us to act in such a way that we will implement it and succeed. If you think something will go well, it will go well!