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What is "enjoyment"?

Ένα πραγματικά ευτυχισμένο άτομο, είναι αυτό που μπορεί να απολαύσει τη διαδρομή ακόμα και όταν λοξοδρομεί.

The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour.

The term «enjoyment», was recently introduced by Bryant & Veroff, scientists from the field of Positive Psychology.


The term refers to our ability to focus on a positive experience, intensifying or prolonging its influence over us. It is an active process that, with little practice, can make us more satisfied with life and, ultimately, happier. Enjoying an experience doesn’t just refer to feelings of pleasure or joy. You need to be able to recognize the positive feelings, the moment they arise. So an important prerequisite for one to enjoy an experience is to be able to be consciously present in the here and now, being mindful of what is happening.


Many confuse enjoyment with pleasure. Let us see, however, whether these two concepts are linked.  Aristotle had proposed two types of happiness; pleasure and bliss. The first refers to the happiness that arises from the acquisition of pleasure and avoidance of pain. The second refers to the happiness that comes from a life of meaning and tendency of self-realization. According to Bryant & Veroff, enjoyment is philosophically based on a way of life, which combines both pleasure and bliss, achieving a balance between these two situations.