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The Importance of Interpersonal Relationships

Οι μόνοι άνθρωποι που αξίζει να τους φωνάξεις «μείνε» είναι εκείνοι που δεν έφυγαν ποτέ!

The only people who deserve to "stay" in your life are those who never left!

The relationships we create with the people around us are called interpersonal and are an integral part of nature and civilization of humans.

Humans are social species according to Aristotle and that's why their relationships with other people are of special importance in life. A person with healthy interpersonal relationships is a happy person, as research has shown that our relationships are the number 1 factor of happiness, before money and glory. We can understand the difference ourselves if we consider how we feel as a member of a happy and tied family in comparison to when we get a raise or a promotion at work. Surely there is joy and satisfaction in the second case, but at first, the feeling is deeper and lasts longer. That is why it is worth investing more in the people around us, giving them more space and time in our lives, because that is how we take care of ourselves. Interpersonal relationships refer to the closest relationships we form with people, ie, friendly, erotic, collegiate, parental, relative, etc. And remember, the relationship always consists of two members -not more! I may be a member of the same family, but my relationship with my son differs from the relationship I have with my husband.