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Understanding and expressing emotions

Οι αμφιβολίες σκοτώνουν τις σχέσεις.

Doubt kills relationships. The main goal for a successful relationship is to enable both members to successfully deal with emotional swings.

A prerequisite for this is the cultivation of emotional understanding. Emotional understanding means getting deep awareness of our own emotions first and then to take into account the other person's feelings. Emotional understanding helps us deal with our emotions without avoiding them. It also offers us the ability to effectively handle the other person’s the feelings. To achieve understanding you first need to express those feelings. The ability to express our emotions is an integral part of a successful relationship. People tend to share their positive feelings, but have difficulty expressing the negative emotions they experience from time to time. At this point it is important to remember that we do not need to avoid expressing what we feel in order not to hurt the people around us. They will only be hurt when they see you troubled and you shut them out of what you experience. Thus, it's a good idea to face them and discuss your feelings -both positive and negative.