It is important to realize that during our lifetime there will be periods when we will have to face some difficulty. It is inevitable.
So we have to accept it and be prepared for the imminent difficulties. We do not always do things based on how we have planned them. Expect changes, uncertainty and enhance your strengths to best deal with them. Being aware that difficulties can arise and uncertainty about the future s unavoidable, makes us calmer and ready to take action when needed. Do not forget to keep your equanimity and to remain optimistic in the face of difficulties. Events do not change. We cannot control the conditions. What is important is how we interpret the situation and how we manage it. With this attitude, the decisions we will take will certainly be more efficient.
On the other hand, solution cannot be found with a magic wand nor will difficulties disappear on their own if we avoid them by putting them under the rug. In this way, the situation will only be perpetuated. We need to take action and carefully plan our steps. It's not an easy process. That's why it's important we have worked on our adaptability skills.
Don’t hesitate to ask for the help of the important others. Our family or relatives, as well as our friends, can be a valuable asset in the above process. Different views, as well as their constant support, can help you act and adapt more easily to a new state of life.
In life we learn through experience. Along with what you learn about people, society and their interactions, never stop learning as much as possible about yourself. Self-knowledge plays an important role in how you will cope with change each time and can lead to the enhancement of adaptability.