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Red and green activities

The base exercise aims to help us recognize which of our everyday activities consume most energy, which boost our energy levels and how we can manage them efficiently.

Energy here means mental energy. Activities that require us using our strong suits may tire us out physically, but boost our energy mentally.

Step one: introduction

Activities that require us using our strong suits and give us energy will be referred to as green activities

You really enjoy them

They make you feel energetic

You lose track of time

You look forward to pursuing them

You respond well even under pressure or stress

Activities that require us using our weak spots and consume our energy will be referred to as red activities

You don't enjoy them

Today exhaust you

Time seems to slow down

You do not look forward to pursuing them

They require a lot of effort on your part to self-control and concentrate

Step two list your red and green activities

During the course of the week, list your red and green activities on a daily basis and note the energy levels they consume or boost respectively.

Step three note what each activity offers or detracts.

For example; Green activity Exercising Boosts my energy Gives me a healthy and toned body

Step four evaluation

Could you increase green activities in your daily schedule? Could you manage red activities more efficiently? Could you outsource them or reform them?