210976533 || 24-hour Counseling Line for employees and first-degree relatives


Develop the characteristics of an independent person

If you want to become independent you need to reach some goals and make them part of your life.

Here are the most important ones:

  1. Make a living. It's very important to have your own income, even if it's not a lot. It will make you feel more autonomous and ''grown-up''. You may not find the ideal job at first, but trying out different roles is good experience things will help you realize which position suits you best.
  2. Become socially independent. You don't need to go everywhere with company, and more importantly, you shouldn't fear going somewhere unaccompanied. Try running some errands on your own and then attempt to visit a busy place alone (the doctor's waiting room, your child's school, the work canteen etc.) and engage in to small talk with someone there.
  3. Say what you think. What lead to codependency, are thinking patterns, not actions. So stop thinking about people who say or what others expect of you. Support your opinion, give good arguments and trust your own judgment.
  4. Travel alone. It's the best way to spend some time with yourself enjoy your own company. Go wherever you want, engage into activities you enjoy, visit sites you've always wanted to see and relish your peace and quiet.