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Independence in a relationship: How to achieve it

You may be an independent person in general, but when you get into a relationship something changes and you find yourself doing everything with your partner.

Follow the steps below to regain or protect your independence and never feel lost if you break up again.

  1. Continue going out with your own friends. You can also meet them as a couple, but try to meet your friends independently as well.
  2. Make time for yourself. Spare some time to do things without your partner; pamper yourself, go shopping, go to the gym.
  3. Keep your personal space. If you live together, you and your partner should have a separate room, or even a corner, this will only be yours. It should be a space with your own personal belongings where you can sit and relax or concentrate on your work.
  4. Pick up a personal hobby. It's very important to keep busy with something you enjoy, practice and become better at. It's even more important for this hobby to remain yours alone. You can encourage your partner to find his own hobby.