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What  is  self-control? 

Δεν είμαι αυτό που μου συνέβη. Είμαι αυτό που επιλέγω να γίνω.

I'm not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.

Self-control refers to the ability of controlling feelings and desires especially in tough situations. 

More specifically, in the field of psychology, self-control is interpreted as the ability to subdue our impulses, our feelings and behaviors to reach long-term goals. Self-control is mainly regulated by the pre-frontal cortex, thanks to which, instead of responding directly to every impulse that emerges, we can plan, assess alternative actions and ideally, avoid things we will regret later on. The basic precondition of self-control is the ability of controlling our instincts. In a time of direct satisfaction, self-control is perhaps an undervalued ability which, however, is worth fighting for.