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Self-control in practice 

Η μεγαλύτερη πρόκληση για κάποιον είναι να ελέγξει τον εαυτό του.

One of the biggest challenges is regulating behavior.

Success and achievement of goals is based on good habits, which in turn, are based on discipline and self-control.  

These are four ways to improve self-control and develop more adaptive habits: 


Avoid temptation  


It is not easy to resist the temptation. One study found that the way most people resist temptation is by avoiding it. A prerequisite for this is self-control, which leads to more efficient decision-making and self-help strategies. 


Measure your progress 


Keeping track of your progress can keep you focused on your goals. It also helps you get to understand your own behavior better and makes it easier to maintain or change your habits. 

Learn how to manage stress  

Taking a break and taking a few breaths help slow down your heart rate and relax. Make sure you exercise regularly, eat healthily and sleep adequately to improve your focus, cognitive function and health. People seem to make bad decisions when their blood sugar is low and they lack sleep. Exercise helps you sleep better and follow a more disciplined diet plan.