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Gratitude: its contribution to stress reduction

In recent years, the positive effect of gratitude has been scientifically established in various areas that promote mental well-being.

Among the studies documenting this relationship,  is the study of Krejtk and colleagues (2016), that highlighted the value of keeping a daily record  of the things we are grateful for. More specifically, a total of 58 participants took part in the research and were divided into two equal groups. All participants were instructed to rate and record daily for 2 weeks their level of stress during the day. The one of the two groups was additionally instructed to keep a list of 6 things they felt grateful for during their day.

According to the results, the researchers found a reduction in perceived levels of daily stress in the group that kept the gratitude journal, supporting the important contribution of gratitude to mental health.

Journal Reference:

Krejtz, I., Nezlek, J. B., Michnicka, A., Holas, P., & Rusanowska, M. (2016). Counting one’s blessings can reduce the impact of daily stress. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(1), 25-39.