210976533 || 24-hour Counseling Line for employees and first-degree relatives


Happiness starts with you!

Ευτυχισμένος είναι ο άνθρωπος που ακόμα και μέσα στις δυσκολίες, βρίσκει λόγους να χαμογελάει.

Happy is the person who, even during difficulties, finds a reason to smile.

The message is clear: If you want to be happy you need to focus on your own wishes and needs! It is very important to know what fulfills you and makes you happy.

It will certainly not be just one thing. Once you have found your own happiness factors, you need to integrate them in your everyday plan and focus on developing them further.

- You are responsible for your happiness more than any other. And after you become a fulfilled and happy person, it is time to become a transmitter of happiness for the people around you.

- Transmit the positive feelings you have in you with kind actions to those around you, friends, acquaintances, coworkers or even people you don’t know. It does not need to be a great gesture; a good morning and a nice comment are enough to make someone's day. Consider how happier our world would be if we all acted like this ...That's why you make the beginning and drag others to your happiness!