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What  is  stress? 

Το άγχος δεν αδειάζει το αύριο από τις λύπες του, αλλά αδειάζει το σήμερα από τη δύναμή του

Stress does not empty tomorrow from its sorrows, but it empties today of its strength...

Stress is a normal reaction of the body to any change that requires adjustment by eliciting a physical, mental or emotional response. Such changes can be the result of environmental, physical and mental stimuli. Even positive life changes (such as a promotion or marriage) can produce stress. 


As a mechanism, it keeps us alert, motivated and ready to avoid danger when needed. Stress becomes problematic when a person is continuously preoccupied with stressors and the body’s autonomic nervous system is overdriven. This stress response, known as the “fight-flight or freeze response” causes physiological changes to the body and a prolonged activation can lead to distress which is accompanied with physical and emotional symptoms, such as headaches, GIT distress, elevated blood pressure, muscle tension, sexual dysfunction, disturbed sleep patterns, tiredness, depression, panic attacks etc. 


Stress therefore needs to be dealt with when it lasts and it influences us considerably causing difficulty in our daily routine. The first step in dealing with anxiety is recognizing and managing the dysfunctional thought process which provokes negative emotions. Physical exercise and proper diet act not only preventively but also therapeutically in dealing with anxiety.


As it turns out, anxiety and stress are closely linked and even share common symptoms. These are situations that we all experience in our daily lives. In cases where we are not sure what exactly is happening, how often and intensely we experience such symptoms but also how much they affect our daily life and the way we work, it is an indicator that it could be useful to consult a mental health professional for their management.