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Anxiety & Stress: How Are They Differentiated?

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Quite often the terms "anxiety" and "stress" are used interchangeably. Although there are commonalities between them, there are also important points in which they differ.


The term stress can have different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. At the level of the human body, stress is characterized by any change of state that causes physical, emotional and psychological strain and requires attention and action by the individual. In other words, stress is the body's response to an external stimulus that "threatens" to change the state and balance in which we find ourselves.

Common stress symptoms are the following:

Sleeping difficulties, headaches, tightness or pain in various parts of the body (e neck, back), palpitations, sweating, dizziness, irritability, etc.


Our thoughts play a key role in our anxiety levels

Anxiety is the internal response of our body when we are in a state of stress, which means under pressure. It is a persistent feeling of indefinite fear and anxiety about one (or more) potential threats. Anxiety continues to exist regardless of the presence of a threatening stimulus, it can be long lasting and often affects our quality of life and well-being.

Common anxiety symptoms are the following:

Irritability, frequent and easy fatigue, inability to concentrate, difficulty controlling our worry, changes (increase or decrease) in appetite, sleep, sexual desire, tightness or pain in various parts of the body, headaches, stomachaches, increased heartbeat etc.