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Romantic love is...

Ένα ερώτημα που απασχολεί τον καθέναν από εμάς ειδικά στα πιο νεανικά μας χρόνια είναι το «Τι είναι Έρωτας»;

A question that concerns all of us especially at a young age is “what love is”.

Many compare the feeling of being in love with what one feels under the influence of substances. This view is not far from the truth, as when we fall in love dopamine and norepinephrine levels rise and our serotonin levels are also affected making us more eager, more energetic and more excited. When we are at the beginning of a romantic relationship, we tend to idealize our partner and we disregard any negative elements; thus, the expression «love is blind». Despite the euphoria and pleasure that this emotion gives us, it lasts for a few months to a few years and certainly it isn't what keeps us in a long-lasting relationship.