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What is Happiness

Τα πράγματα που μετρούν περισσότερο στη ζωή μας, δεν είναι μεγάλα και φαντασμαγορικά. Είναι οι στιγμές που αγγίζουμε ο ένας τον άλλον.

Happiness is an abstract and vague concept. Happiness is hidden inside the way we feel and perceive life.

What makes someone happy is perhaps subjective, but there is one common factor: the way we value the events and people in our lives.

We all want and seek happiness, but we are constantly evading both its meaning and the ways in which we can achieve it. Studies around the world show that people put happiness on the top of their list of desires in life -higher than money and reputation. According to Positive Psychology, happiness is the experience of positive emotions here and now. Life is divided into insignificant and important events. The insignificant events are the ones that consume most of our time, while the important ones are those that fill our lives, embellish it. It's in our discretion with what we fill our time and where we choose to focus.