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Conflict management

Conflict cannot last without your participation.

Conflict is part of everyday life. Many times, it is inevitable.

What we need to do is learn how to manage it so that it affects us as little as possible.

How can we manage or avoid conflicts?

-Manage the situation with courtesy and as early as possible: Solve the conflict at its beginning. As long as the situation continues, things get more complicated and the tension can increase. Approach situations with positivity from the start. Ask politely what's wrong or what needs to be corrected, trying to maintain a mild climate. Focus on kind and immediate solutions, without shifting responsibilities and accusations.

• Delay reaction time: A delayed reaction initially helps you distance yourself from the stimulus and reduce, to some extent, the intensity caused by an event or person. When examining the stimulus, consider the following:

1) How important is it?

2) Is that really the cause of the tension I feel?

• Often, people have difficulty with something and express their dissatisfaction to something else. An everyday example is: "I had contradicted my boss at work and, when I returned home and my daughter had not completed her homework, I yelled at her. But if I had evaluated it, I would have observed that the source of my anger was work-related and not my daughter's homework ".

• Look at the 'big picture': When you often come into conflict with a specific person, it is helpful to evaluate this person as a whole. If, for example, I have frequent tensions with my boss, it is important to remind to myself of all of their attributes. That is, on the one hand, they are often abrupt and rude. On the other hand, they recognize my effort and reward me for it. All people have different aspects in their character. It is important, therefore, to evaluate them all in order to form an objective picture.

• Communicate properly: How we communicate with someone is very important. At times, although we are careful with what we say to someone and the vocabulary we use, we disregard our body language or the tone of our voice. Often, these two suggest something completely different, which leads our interlocutor into a defensive position, and the conflict between us is not far away.

• Conflict between people can lead to positive results because it helps us find solutions to our differences. But it often becomes uncontrollable. So, it is best to try to manage its outcome by respecting both sides. A conflict will not be solved in your own way. It is important to show understanding, to give them time to explain themselves and their point of view and to respect their boundaries.