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What is positivity?

Μια Θετική Στάση είναι σαν μαγνήτης για Θετικά Αποτελέσματα.

A positive attitude is a magnet for positive results.

Positivity ǂ Negativity two areas of our thoughts, which fight to gain our attention.

Positivity refers to the adoption of a more positive life attitude, which contributes to personal development, doing better and feeling better, as compared to a negative point of view.

According to scientific findings, positive experiences and positive emotions, lead to widening of the horizon of thoughts and actions. Contrary to negative feelings that limit the field of thought and action in a person by pushing them towards adopting a specific behavioral response, positive emotions make the individual capable of watching, conceiving, thinking and developing new, original ideas and often lead to the adoption of creative and innovative behaviors.