For each sentence that follows, choose the answer that best suits you. When you finish the test, tap the RESULTS button.
Check your gratitude levels:
1. I wouldn't have reached where I am today without the help of some people.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
2. Life is very good to me.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
3. I am often dazzled by the beauty of nature.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
4. I don't think I've gotten everything I deserve out of life.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
5. It is important to enjoy the simple things in life.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
6. I think that life "owes me".
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree