Self-control and will work like muscles. The more you exercise, the stronger they become. But wouldn't it be nice to know where you stand in terms of will before you start?

1. Can you keep calm during a conversation?

2. Are you committed to your to-do list?

3. Are you able to complete tedious tasks that you don't like to do even when it is possible to postpone them?

4. Can you stick to a diet for a long time?

5. Are you able to do something unpleasant like working overtime on weekends without much internal discussion?

6. When necessary, are you able to step beyond your comfort zone despite your fears and discomfort?

7. Do you believe that you have the ability to evaluate your own behavior objectively, even when the issue is emotionally charged and personal?

8. Are you able to wake up early even when it's unnecessary just because you planned to do something earlier?

9. Do you keep your promises?

10. If you did nothing wrong but someone yells at you, do you have enough self-control to respond in a calm manner?

11. Will you stick to your work plans even when something exciting happens?

12. Overall, do you choose long-term results over immediate satisfaction?

13. Do you always take a full prescription of prescribed medication even when you feel well before completing the treatment?

14. When you are required to do something you have no experience with, in the context of your job, can you easily overcome the stress and just do it?

15. Do you despise people who are always late for appointments?