For each sentence that follows, choose the answer that best suits you. When you finish the test, tap the RESULTS button .
How effectively do you recognize your anxiety?
1. In the past month, have you often felt that the difficulties have increased so much that you cannot manage them?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
2.In the past month, have you often felt angry because things got out of your control?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
3. In the past month, have you often felt that you can manage the challenges in your life?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
4. In the last month, have you often felt that you cannot cope with all your obligations?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
5. In the past month, have you often felt that things are going as planned?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
6. In the past month, have you often felt confidence that you can handle serious issues?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
7. In the past month, have you often felt nervous or stressed?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
8. In the past month, have you often felt like you couldn't control the important things in your life?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
9. In the last month, have you been upset about something that happened unexpectedly?
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree