For each sentence that follows, choose the answer that best suits you. When you finish the test, tap the RESULTS button.
Do you have gratitude in your life?
1. There are many things in my life that I am grateful for.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
2. If I had to make a list of all the things I am grateful for, this list would be very long..
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
3. When I look at the world, I see many things for which I am grateful.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
4. There are many people to whom I am grateful.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
5. As I get older, I am better able to appreciate the people I have met and the situations I have experienced in my life.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree
6.I often feel gratitude for both people and situations in my life.
Completely disagree
Almost disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Almost agree
Completely agree