Do you find it easy to claim what you want?
1. I ask others to do things without feeling guilty or stressed.
2. When someone asks me to do something I don't want to do, I say "NO" without feeling remorse or anxiety.
3. I express my true opinions to authority figures (such as a boss or relative) with confidence.
4. When I experience strong emotions (anger, upset, love, happiness), I can express them easily.
5. When I express anger, I do so without blaming others for provoking me.
6. I feel comfortable expressing my opinion in group discussions.
7. If I disagree with the majority opinion in a meeting, I stick to my original opinion and support it without feeling uncomfortable or annoyed.
8. When I'm wrong I admit it.
9. When someone's behavior is a problem to me, I let them know.
10. Meeting new people is something I do with comfort and ease.
11. When I express my beliefs I do so without calling other people's opinions "crazy", "stupid", "absurd", etc..
12. I find most people to be competent, trustworthy and I have no difficulty delegating work to others.
13. When I'm about to do something for the first time, I feel confident that I can learn how to do it.
14. I consider my needs as important as the needs of others and I am willing to sacrifice my own needs.